Saturday, 12 May 2007

Still here

Oh wow this is so addictive, I didn't realise I had so much waffle in my head to share! Was playing around on here until 1.00am this morning. I discovered that I could move the elements down the side of the page, by clicking and dragging, perhaps if I read instructions better I may have worked this out earlier. LOL.
I have added a link to my gallery at the Scrap Heap, I so love that idea, and have added links to other talented scrappers who inspire me, I think their work is amazing...I like to call them online friends, even though they dont know me from bar of's funny though when you look at peoples layouts and read their jounalling you learn so much about their family and just want to keep up with what is going on in their lives...a strange concept, for someone who is new to blogging, kinda feel like a nosy neighbour LOL.
For those of you that stumble by me please drop in say Hi.


Megan said...

lol...they ARE addictive, aren't they Leanne!

Happy Mother's Day!

Megan xx

Bev said...

saying hi Leanne and welcome to blog world. Just wondering what your user name is at the scrapheap so I can put a name (gallery ) TO YOUR FACE