Saturday, 6 October 2007

Fun Filled Friday night and Saturday

Gosh it was busy here last night, people coming and going and the phone going crazy LOL. Dad went up to Waikerie yesterday morning with Aaron, to pick up Jarrod (nephew) to come home for a couple of days. Aaron and Jarrod although cousins are also best mates and just love getting together, you only see them at feed time, when they are together and even then you have to be at them to stop what they are doing to get them to come out.

The boys arrived home last night at 8.30, they had a fun filled day at Celina's first though, having gone bowling and then playing on Papa's CB radio. That was great until Uncle Barry got on the other one and came on saying that he was Policeman Barry. Phillip, being the eldest of the boys, quickly took charge of the situation apparently, taking the radio from Aaron explaining who he was trying to resolve the situation. Aaron was freaking out....LOL, thinking for a while there that it really was a policeman on the other end. Jarrod apparently cottoned on pretty quickly. All in all though it gave Dad, Celina and Barry a good laugh for a while! Would have loved to have seen the look on their faces, Dad said it was hilarious....

We also had Aleisha stay over last night, now she is a little girl, who is lives with her brother and her Grandfather. Their mum died a few years back and she is on the look out for a mum. She is trying desperately to set Grandpa up with someone, telling him he needs to get out more, she really is a love. Although having said that she is a little hyperactive and does get quite excited, but she is a darling. So we had her over last night, to give Grandpa and big brother a little bit of a break and also give her some girl time.

We pulled out the kites today and she had a hoot doing that, she managed quite well too, given there wasn't a real lot of wind around today, we spent a good half an hour doing that, it was great.

We also had Lauren, stay over to add to the whole girls night in. Now Lauren, try as she might had some real trouble getting that kite up and keeping it up LOL. Was so funny and Aleisha thought it was great.....Aleisha was trying to be so helpful and offered her kite to Lauren, but she was determined to get it up herself, she got there eventually, it was hilarious...Lauren was really willing that kite up in the end, desperation LOL. And check out Renee, she really got dressed up for the whole affair, she managed to stay in her PJ's all day today.

The kite flying took place whilst the boys were at the movies, seeing the new Jackie Chan movie, Rush Hour ( I think), they loved it. Rod said they were laughing the whole way through it.

By the time they got home, Aleisha had left. They both sat down and played computer - Runescape, rocks around here. We have just got a second computer (thanks Ben) so both boys were able to play together along side of each other, they had a great time.

And Celina, Jarrod is just fine. We served up his favourite meal tonight, Chicken and Chips. As I type this they are in the spare room playing on playstation, although just at this second they have just emerged looking for Icecream. Life is Good!!!!


Celina said...
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Leanne said...

Hey Celina, I took your comment off, only cause you had our last name in it. You know me, totally paranoid LOL.