It turns out that it was a harrowing couple of days, particulary for Renee as Patrol Leader. She had a group of 7 scouts (including herself), 3 of which that were relatively new at hiking and therefore was always going to make the job a little tougher, but I don't think she even realised how tough it would be. There always seem to be one, that is going to make the job a little harder and she had him in her troop (and I am pleased and somewhat relieved, to say it wasn't her brother!)
One child, who will remain nameless, constantly whined and badgered the whole way, over both days. He had his pack removed at the second check point on day one and then proceeded to say how easy it was to hike without it, whilst the rest of them continued on with their packs on their backs- and that was after one of the other kids carried it half way to the second check point for him! He pulled several stunts like this over the weekend. Very mentally challenging for the rest of the kids that were hiking with him. I know he's only a kid, but so are the rest of them doing it. I just felt so bad for Renee, she was emotionally drained by the end of it, constantly trying to keep him on track and still support the others.
Renee's troop finished 15 minutes or so ahead of the second troop yesterday (not 40 minutes as stated in yesterdays post, not sure how we managed to get that so wrong, oh well). So this morning when they took off they had a 15 minute lead over their nearest rival. Unfortunately, they lost their lead today, with the constant battle to keep "nameless" child on track. They also missed their last check point and Renee at that stage had had enough and wasn't going back to try and find it, fair enough, I think.
All in all though, the kids have every right to be proud of themselves, they are ALL winners for having completed the course. 22kms in two days, carrying 9-10 kilos on their backs is not an easy thing to do. I for one, am not disappointed in them, quite the opposite, totally proud of them for what they achieved, they all did a brilliant job!!!!
OK, now there was a little vent in there and now I feel better are some pics of them coming in today.
Coming over the hill, finish line in sight - Renee in the middle front of the pack, Aaron coming in at the rear.
One very tired little Scout, drags himself to the finish line, he had his tent removed from his pack today to make walking a little easier - we are so proud of you Aaron, you did great.
Renee checks in for the last time!
Renee to the left, standing with her Scout Leader, a little bit of debriefing going on here and Aaron to the right of the pic, sitting, checking out his sore feet - he couldn't get those shoes off quick enough.
....and on a side note, what are some of the things that we do when our kids are not home for two days? We clean their rooms of course. Renee's room was first, the amount of washing that I pulled out of that girls room, her school uniform was still there on the floor, despite being told several times to put her washing in the laundry, her Scout uniform - which thankfully was not required for hike, also screwed up and left in a heap in the middle of the floor!!! Her room took an hour, that included stripping the bed and new sheets put on her bed. Dusting and generally just throwing rubbish away that accumalates in a teenagers room, ARGH!But I tell you her room, was nothing compared to what I found in Aaron's room, check out the pic to the right, this was under his bed. I am almost embarrassed to post the pic, but just had to. Aaron on the other hand, was quite excited to see the picture, he then proceeded to check through it, asking what I did with some of his treasures that he found lying in the middle of the rubbish!!! Go figure, boys! He is such a grot LOL. Anyway rooms are done, thank goodness. Mental note to self, must check under Aaron's bed more regularly!
as a ex scout leader - i totally understnad your whinge - go for it!!!!!!!! love the "treasures" in aarons room....thanks for my pay it forward gift.
HI Leanne, arh do ay feel better 'bout ya whinge love good on ya gal. I am soooo proud of the kids well done Nee for leading your troop home good job! I love ya son's treasures too lmao and he was proud of it too. Nee would have died if you did that to her lol that's what Mum's are for eh gotta love 'em cya love Celina xxx
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