Monday, 25 February 2008

I went to Clipsal, totally AWESOME!!!!

OMG how much fun did I have yesterday. Celina had bought tickets for herself and John and the boys to go to Clipsal as a Christmas present. Unfortunately John was unable to go as it turned out, due to work. Celina asked Dad to come with her which in the end he declined, saying he was too old, LOL, so I got to go instead. I wasn't sure initially if I would enjoy it, but man it was awesome.

As kids we would go to the drags and then later as a teenager and into my early twenties, I would regularly go to the Speedway, so I guess it's in the blood. And I tell you from the minute I heard those cars and then the first smell of the hot rubber tyres, my heart was racing, it was totally awesome, took me back about 20 years or more.

Celina was a total crack up, every time I turned around, I saw her goofy little hat and those great big Ford hands, she was a total scream. Even funnier considering that we were right in the middle of a million Holden supporters, LOL. The boys loved it. I'm definately going again, the kids want to come next year, so we will be working on that.

My heart goes out to the family of Ashley Cooper, the driver that died today, so terribly sad, a family man, a brother, a son, so devasting. A brutal reminder of how dangerous the sport is.

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Saturday, 23 February 2008

Have been a little busy, meet "Jelly" and a couple more pics of Caitlin

Have been flat out again, this last week or so and internet hasn't been working, argh the pains of modern technology. I swear I don't know what I did before the internet, I really miss it, when it's not around...not to mention the inconvenience of not having it, paying bills the old fashioned way, so time consuming LOL. I did have an excuse though to go to Donna's for a cuddle however, told her I needed to come early to pay some bills on their internet, but quietly it also gave me a little more time for my cuddle fix!!!!!

Last weekend we had a Chinese exchange student stay with us. The Chinese come to Australia for about 10 days, spend three days in Adelaide with their host family and then go on to Melbourne, Canberra and then Sydney before flying home, bit of a whirlwind trip.

So meet "Jelly" this being her nickname because she likes to eat Jelly. She was an absolute sweety and by the end of her three days we found out that she was quite the rebel, which we affectionately told her. She is quite the modern young Chinese woman, very open minded about her country and the politics that surround it, and is not afraid to stand up and say she doesn't like something. She had us in stitches with some of her thoughts. Her English was excellent, she was even able to share jokes with us on Saturday night, talk about laugh, I had tears she was hillarious.

It was sad to see her go Monday night, I would have loved to have had her for a little longer, three days really isn't enough, you start to get to know them and then they are off again. Renee, really connected with her, which was great, I think they shared the same "outthere" personality and Jelly knew how to have a good time, so here are some pics.

We did the dolphin cruise on Sunday, not many dolphins unfortunately, but it was a nice outing, the school had taken them to the Wildlife park on the Saturday to see the animals, which she loved. The last pic is saying goodbye, she was in tears, poor thing, aw gee the mother in me comes out when they are like this, I hate seeing them so sad!!! I am getting better though, LOL.

And to finish up with this post here are a couple more pics of Caitlin, she really is the sweetest little thing. Donna and Ben came home with their precious little bundle last Friday night and they are going great guns. Caitlin has put on 250 grams so is doing just great and breast feeding so far is going well. Donna is so relaxed and so happy, I am so proud of her!

The pics of Caitlin her daddy took, she was still in hospital, aint she just the cutest and the last one, is of Celina, our middle sister. I love this pic, the emotion you can see on Celina, (not sure why I didn't include in my last post, so just had to share it now). Celina has two boys and was always the sister that I could see with a little girl, however she loves her nieces and this little one is extra special because we both have more time as Aunties to spoil and spoil, it's the best.

Renee and I went shopping last Saturday, to buy up for our newest addition to the family and boy did we have fun. Aunty Leanne, ending up very happy, having bought Caitlin her first pair of bathers, they are so darn cute. Nothing better than seeing little fat legs and a baby butt in a pair of cute little bathers, and yes they are a little big for her at present but won't be long LOL. Also bought lots of pink other things, I love pink. Found the cutest, ruffliest little dress for her and just had to have it, unfortunately it's too big for her at present, so hoping she will grow into it before it gets too cold. Anyway enough rambling from me, enjoy the pics. Really got to find the time to start Scrapping some of them, havent done any for ages, still have Donna's pregnancy album to do, at this rate it may be a combined pregnancy album and first year of Caitlin, hopefully finished in time for her first Birthday, LOL.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

IT'S A GIRL.....Woohoo!!

Very excited Aunty here. We got the phone call at about 1.30 am this morning to say that


a little girl, weighing about 7 and half pounds arrived at 12.35am

Stay tuned there will be lots of photos tonight.

Have a great day!!!

Love Leanne.
Ok so here some of the pics. Donna and Ben are doing great, although Donna was getting a little tired by the end of our visit, it has been a big day. Caitlin is gorgeous, hardly makes a sound, so far......She has a real little frown on her and not sure if she has eyes yet, because we didn't see them, but she has ten fingers and ten little toes and a little shell ear, just like her mum did, but very cute. So enjoy the pics everyone, we are totally in love!!!

There are plenty more, but will put some up another time, am so tired, couldn't get back to sleep after our early morning phone call, but I am so stoked I have a niece, she has been a long time coming and we are all counting our blessings tonight. Welcome baby Caitlin.....

Saturday, 9 February 2008

D Day for Donna......but she is still here

Baby is due today and at this stage it doesn't look like it's going anywhere!!! Was talking to Donna today and she said that she went for a huge walk.....about 2 hours or so and it's done nothing. Baby has engaged and she has "dropped" according to her doctor, she does look a little lower, I think.

So here are the photos from Thursday, 39 and half weeks.

Oh and on a side note, for those email friends of mine, that drop by to keep up to date. Our puter is finally back on track, so if you love me enough to send me some emails so as I can re add you to my address book that would be wonderful, I lost all of you when our puter died!!! LOL